Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Money Savin' Mommy! :] or so I like to think..

Isn't it the new trend that stay at home moms coupon? Since people think we "just" stay at home... you'd better be having your house spotless, be cooking good meals, and teach your kid sign language by age 1. Well... Carson and my life looks a little different... house is somewhat clean, meals are cooked (minus the good tasting part), and Carson had created his own world of sign language meanings. Mommy holding her finger up and saying one minute means.. crawl as fast as I can and grab mom's pants and have her drag me around. Mommy or daddy blowing a kiss and saying "sleep tight" means it's time to get up and dance for an hour in my crib. See... he's got it down, right?

Ok- back on track. I never knew a blog would make me ramble so much. wow. Ok. SO- couponing + shopping clearance/sales is SO worth it and SO fun. & my baby Carson is a trooper on all our trips! Today he was so happy to be home & finally get a snack!

I posted pictures of my latest couponing trips, but for any of you who aren't into couponing.. it would be overkill to name off each item & price. But- I, of course, couldn't help posting the total cost of it all :]

Pic 1- total cost $.82
Pic 2 total cost $1.97
Pic 3 total cost $.79 (after use of $25 giftcard from Walgreens.. CURRENT promotion!)
Pic 4 total cost $9.48 (the two rolled up fabrics are Mossimo tanks- normally $9 each!)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Me, Blogging??

So- here I am blogging. :] Never done it before, and definately not your typical "blogger". I'm not a funny writer, or one who can write to entertain. I usually think of a blogger as a person who has one main hobby. Whenever someone asks what my hobby is, I feel like I need to make one up.. knitting [cool hippie thing to do these days, right?], baking [no good for the post-baby weight loss], or scrapbooking [I thought I liked this, but Carson's babybook is still on "before his was born" section- this says enough] I also thought a blogger is someone who is highly educated in what they are writing on. I'm far from that. I will be blogging about recipes I try, but might possibly be the world's worst cook [ask my husband]. I will blog about being a mom to the most precious gift, Carson, yet I find motherhood hilarious because I know nothing about it, yet survive as a mom daily- and LOVE it! I will blog about exercising..these days my exercise usually includes running [chasing Taylor as she runs with one of Carson's diapers in her mouth..I know, SICK] or toning my arms [aka picking up and putting down my baby 100x in a row for over an hour in a desperate attempt to teach my child proper "sleep habits"... whatever those are.] There are so many things that bring me the simple joys in life. & that's what I decided to blog on, with all my freetime. [HA.] Yes, this blog will appear random thoughts, but really, if I blog it, it's something that brought me simple joy or a good, much needed laugh.